Used on exit doors, when unauthorized egress is initiated when in the locked mode, these systems delay egress through the door for a set period of seconds.
SDC 1511S Exit Check Integrated Delayed Egress 1650lb
SDC 1511T Exit Check, Delayed Egress, double door, 1650lb
SDC 1581S Delayed Egress Mini exit, 650lbs
Detex V40xEB Alarmed Rim Exit Device (Battery)
SDC, S6100-101 Delayed Egress Panic Device
iEXDa Electronic Exit Delay by Securitron, 1200lbs
iMXDa Motion Exit Delay by Securitron, 1200lbs
DynaLock, 3101C-G2 Single Delayed Egress Magnetic Lock, Gen2
SDC 101 Series Annunciators
Detex ECL-230X Exit Control Hardware with Alarm
SDC 1511SNAKV Delayed Egress Magnetic lock 1650lbs
Schlage, M490DE Delayed Egress Magnetic Lock, 15 second delay
Alarm Controls, 1200DE Delayed Egress Magnetic Lock