A gate electromagnetic lock, magnetic lock, or maglock is a locking device that consists an electromagnet and an armature plate.
Outdoor Maglocks incorporate a weatherproof design.
1200WP Weather Magnetic Gate Lock by Alarm Controls
600WP, 600lb Weather-proof Magnetic Gate Lock
SDC 1570 series Weather Resistant Gate EMLock, 1200lbs
SDC Excel E6200 Retrofit Securitron M62, Locknetics 70
M34R Series Recessed Magnalock, 500lbs
M62 Series Magnalock by Securitron, 1200lbs
M82B Series Magnalock by Securitron, 1800lbs
GL1 Electromechanical Gate Lock, 2000lbs
GL160 / GL260 SDC GateLok Electromechanical Gate Lock
Schlage M490G Electromagnetic Gate Lock, 1500lbs.
Schlage M490 Electromagnetic Lock, 1500lbs.
Schlage M492 Double Electromagnetic Lock, 1500lbs.
DM62 Double 1200lb Weatherized Magnetic Lock
BEA 10GL1200R UL Listed Gatelock 1200lbs
Dynalock, 2013 Single Magnetic Gate Lock, 1200lbs