Interior Keypads are used for the entry of PINs appear on many devices including combination locks and digital door locks.
SDC 918 Series Indoor Digital Keypad, 500 Users
DK-12 Single Gang Digital Keypad, 99 Users
KP-100A Surface or Recess Mount Digital Keypad
SDC 920 Digital Keypad, 500 Users (Optional Prox Reader)
KP-300 Vandal Resist, Weather Mullion PIN/Prox Reader
KP-200 Vandal Resistant, Self-Contained Digital Keypad
KP-400 Vandal Resist, Weather Self-Contained Digital Keypad
SDC 923 Narrow Keypad 500 Users (Prox Reader)
DOL1000-MF Wireless keypad, 1000 code
IEI 212SE Sealed Environmental Keypad
SDC 923PW Narrow Keypad, HID Prox Reader, Wiegand Output
SDC 920PW Digital Keypad & HID Prox Reader, Wiegand Output
CL4210 Codelocks Electronic Cylindrical Latchbolt Lock
CL4510 Codelocks Pin/Prox Card Cylindrical Latchbolt Lock
CL610 Codelocks Mechanical PIN code Cylindrical Latchbolt