Rosslare Security AYC-F60 AYC-G60 Backlit PROX & PIN Reader, HID
goPROX AYC-G60 is a convertible PIN/Proximity Reader with Genuine HID&trade (H10301) Technology. goPROX AYC series automatically determines whether to function as a reader or as a secured standalone controller.
If the unit is connected to a Cobra Controls access control unit, then it functions as a reader.
If the unit is connected to a Rosslare secured intelligent power supply such as PS-C25TU, it functions as a 500-user secured standalone controller.
Product Details
Product Overview
As a reader, the units can read all HID (H10301) Prox Cards/Tags (125 kHz FSK) using Genuine HID Technology™ and outputs HID (H10301) Prox card data in Wiegand according to the number of bits of data stored on the card. The units also read Cobra Controls Proximity Cards and can output EM card data as Wiegand 26-Bit, Clock and Data, and Wiegand + PIN.
As a controller, the units accept up to 500 users, and allow entry via a personal identification number (PIN) and/or by presenting a proximity card. The PIN code length for the controller can vary. The PIN code length can be a set number of 4, 5, or 6 digits or it can be flexible from 4 to 8 digits.
Standard Features
- Advanced, secure, multi-application functionality for intelligent installations
- Smooth, attractive design, with all-weather indoor and outdoor operation
- 2 tri-colored LEDs and an integral sounder for programming and operation
- Unique backlit piezoelectric keys
- User-friendly menu based on keypad, LED, and sounder indicators
- Back and cover optical tamper detection and output
- Default operation as a multi-format reader (Rosslare PROX and HID (H10301) Genuine Technology™ formats, Wiegand 26-Bit, Clock and Data)
- Automatically recognizes Rosslare’s PS-x5 intelligent power supply family, converting into a 500-user standalone controller with secure relays
- 3 security levels (controller mode): Bypass (free entry), Normal (card or PIN required) or Secure (card + PIN)
Technical Specifications
- Operating Voltage Range 5–16 VDC
- Standby Input Current 100 mA
- Maximum Input Current 140 mA
- Tamper Output Open collector, active low, max. sink current 32 mA
- LED Control Input Dry Contact N.O.
- Cable Distance Host Controller Up to 150 m (500 ft) using an 18 AWG cable
- Max Proximity Card Range 60 mm (2.36 inch)
- Proximity Card Modulation Rosslare PROX – EM/HID Prox at 125 KHz
- Card Transmit Format (Reader) Rosslare PROX – EM cards: Wiegand 26-Bit, or Clock and Data HID cards: According to card type
- LED Indicators Two tri-colored LEDs
- Compatible Cards 125 KHz and/or dual technology ISO cards, clamshell and tags
Environmental Specifications
- Operating Temperature -30ºC to 65ºC (-22ºF to 150ºF)
- Operating Humidity 0% to 95% (non-condensing)
- Outdoor Usage Weather-resistant, meets IP-65, epoxy potted, suitable for outdoor use
- Dimensions:
- AYC-G60137 x 44 x 21mm (5.39 inch x 1.73 inch x 0.83 inch)
- AYC-F60120 x 76 x 21mm (4.72 inch x 3 inch x 0.87 inch)
Product Warranty
- 5-Year Limited Product Warranty