Installation Schematics and Wiring Diagram Resources
What is a Wiring Diagram?
A wiring diagram or schematic is a visual representation of the connections and layout of an electrical system. It shows how the electrical wires are interconnected and can also show where and how components are connected to the system. The following reference sections provide installation documents and wiring diagram schematics for maglocks door access system components, kits and equipment. If you have additional questions regarding hardware or software requirements or the wiring diagram set-up, we are available to help. Give us a call at 1.800.500.5625 or try the Live Chat function.
When and How to Use a Wiring Diagram
Use wiring diagrams to assist in installing electronic locking components. Diagrams are also useful for trouble shooting and making wiring repairs. These schematics are also commonly used to confirm the location of wiring and the use of a wiring diagram can ensure the installation is following local building code requirements. Before installing access control hardware, ensure that your proposed products are acceptable for the applicable use group and that all code requirements are met. Doors with access control must not obstruct egress routes or negatively impact fire barriers. As a rule of thumb, free egress is required at all times, not just upon fire alarm — although there are some exceptions, particularly in healthcare.
For a comprehensive listing of codes and requirements visit the National Fire Protection Agency and review NFPA 80 "Standard for Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives" as well as NFPA 101 "Life Safety Code ®".

ACCESS SYSTEMS: Installation Schematics and Wiring Diagram Resources:
Access Systems: Computerized Kits
Access Systems: Non-Computerized Kits
Access Systems: Non-Computerized Kits: Laundromat Kits
Access Systems: Non-Computerized Kits: Alarm Controls: Lock N' A Box Kits
Access Systems: Bio-Metric Systems and Kits
Access Systems: "Buzz-in" Release Kits
Access Systems: Airlock / Cleanroom Kits
HOTEL SYSTEMS: Installation Schematics and Wiring Diagram Resources:
Hotel Systems: Common Door Kits
ACCESS SYSTEMS: Discontinued Product Archive:
Access Systems: ACP-T Series Door Access Controllers [Discontinued]
Your informed application of the installation and use of access control hardware will provide years of a secure locking solution while protecting life safety and ensuring the effectiveness of fire doors. Consult your municipal Fire Marshall for more details. If you would like one of our advisors and help with your product requirements or answer any open questions, give us a call. We would be happy to assist.